February 8, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 220 – Tricky Morphs Into The Pop! King

This week, Ricky (of Press X to Win fame) ascends to our shimmering, trophy-laden temple of Olympian gamers, and Tricky proves that you can spend too much money on collectibles and action figures. You can drop two Benjamin Franklins on Power Rangers memerobilia — but only if you buy the flute-dagger — the real flute-dagger — with which Tommy summoned the Dragonzord. For those with cash to burn, I suggest buying a toaster that looks like the Dragonzord — or Tor. Tor was cool, too.

Join our motley crew of Olympian-slaying ne’er-do-wells, as we discuss, among other things, Pop! figures, God of War: Ascension, PlayStation Plus freebies and Power Rangers.

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