February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 231 – From Paris With Games

Tricky doesn’t get Horizon Zero Dawn.  To be fair, Tricky has a skewed sense of quality.  He believes that Hannah Montana The Movie, for which he has the Platinum trophy, is a good game.  The Trophy Whores often tease him about that — because he deserves it.

Horizon, developed by Guerrilla Games, has gotten a lot of attention — especially from Alex.  If you ask Alex, he will tell you that Horizon is the best thing since tubed toothpaste. Guerrilla is doing good work; Alex wants Horizon, and he is willing to buy a PlayStation 4 to play it.

Horizon is reason enough to rejoice, but the show has a milestone to announce: Iyield2no1 has surpassed 100 episodes!  It might seem like yesterday, but Yield has surpassed the century mark as a PlayStation owner who collects trophies and podcasts about it.

Join our thankful quartet of accomplished gamers and trinket seekers, as we discuss, among other things, Horizon Zero Dawn, Teslagrad, Mad Max, Ratchet and Clank, Rock Band 4, and Street Fighter V.  We’re waiting for Street Fighter V: Super Fireball Edition, which will surely be followed by Street Fighter V: Hyper Blue Fireball Edition.

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