February 8, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Remember The Loot 27 – Sonic Bloomers and Gaming Memories

LOOT! There is a lot of news this week, so sit back and relax as the Loot Crew brings you all of your most popular PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo news plus they discuss some of the hottest topics in Super Mega Rapid Fire. The guys give their predictions on what the rumored new version of the Xbox One will be, dig into the new Call of Duty leaks, weigh in on The Last Guardian, and talk a little Gears of War 4 while throwing down on some Killer Instinct. There is also quite a bit of Nintendo talk with the NX getting delayed so the Loot guys dig into the news while trying to picture a brighter future for Nintendo. Super Mega Rapid fire is full of surprises and the crew shares their fondest gaming moment. Hope you enjoy this week’s episode and please don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

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