February 16, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 271 – Beating a Dead Horse with No Man’s Jokes

This week the Trophy Whores press on without Tricky.  In other words, episode 271 has started off on the right foot — even though podcasts don’t have feet.  Granted, with the boss on hiatus, there’s plenty of opportunity for this ship to careen around the corner and run into a wall.  The Trophy Whores podcast for fun, and they never take themselves too seriously.  It’s an art form that they’ve perfected.  What’s more fun than having fun?  If you ask Donny, he’d say cracking jokes on No Man’s Sky.

No Man’s Sky, like a horse that’s been beaten beyond death, has been getting a lot of attention; however, lately, much of that attention hasn’t been positive.  It seems that the game hasn’t been able to match the hype that went from a flame to a bonfire.  Everyone saw that coming.  While No Man’s Sky might deliver on some of its potential, the consensus seems to be that the game has under-delivered.   Yield, who has been riding shotgun in the hype train, isn’t discouraged by the naysayers, but he sure doesn’t sell us on his (lack of) enthusiasm.

Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, (more) No Man’s Sky, Dead Rising 4 and PlayStation 4 firmware update 4.0.

Alex has a special shout-out this week.  On September 16, at Gallery K on Barret Avenue in Louisville, his friend Avalon is holding an art gallery for the survivor modeling project, This is MY Body, which features sexual assault survivors.  Through this event, these brave women hope to reclaim their bodies and raise sexual assault awareness by speaking out against a pervasive problem in our country.  Admission is free.  Magazine copies featuring the models and photographs will be sold at the show, and the profits will be donated to the Center for Women and Families.  The gallery will be open from 4:45 pm to 10 pm.  It will be a fantastic event, and if possible, you should go.

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If you wish, you can always download the show here – Trophy Whores 271 – Beating a Dead Horse with No Man’s Jokes

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