That is a mouthful. That’s what Tricky said. I couldn’t resist. Tricky loves Wendy’s chicken parmesan sandwiches. Truly, to Tricky, it might as well be filet mignon. Have you seen a man stick an entire sandwich in his mouth? It isn’t for the faint of heart. We can’t unhinge our jaws like snakes. I’m surprised that there isn’t a snake villain creeping around Gotham City.
This week, the inmates run the asylum. Technically, Alex runs the asylum, since Tricky has to drive around New York City in a snow plow. Unfortunately, for him, we spend a large portion of the show talking about all things Dark Knight. Yes, the one and only Batman. Otherwise known as the only DC Comics superhero worth a damn. I need to stop there before Metropolis’ legion of fanboys descends upon Trophy Whores studios like a hurricane of wasps.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Extra Life, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, Gotham, Batman Arkham, and Batman: The Telltale Series.
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