February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 295 – The Tricky Rule

This week, the Trophy Whores share sad news: Masaya Nakamura, who founded Namco, has passed away.  He was a pioneer in the video game industry, and Proven Gamer want to pay our respects to Nakamura and his work.

As always, the guys have the latest and greatest news from the world of PlayStation, including the February lineup of free games, courtesy of PlayStation Plus, as well as the PlayStation firmware update 4.50, which enables external HDD support for the PlayStation 4.

In a bit of big, big news, Trophy Whores has been approved for iHeartRadio, which greatly expands the show’s footprint and reach. It’s a tremendous honor for the show to be part of iHeartRadio’s massive and respected community, and Proven Gamer have only the fans to thank for pushing the podcast to this point.  The Trophy Whores work hard to put out a quality weekly show, but they owe so much love to their listeners, who keep the show strong and growing.

Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Double Dragon IV, DC Universe Online, “The Tricky Rule,” Starwhal, and PS4 Pro Boost Mode.

The Trophy Whores also debate President Donald Trump’s attempts to increase the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States, which includes a potential tariff that increases the prices of video games and consoles.   At this point, the tariff is merely an idea, but the Trophy Whores share their concerns about its possible implementation.

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If you wish, you can always download the show here – Trophy Whores 295 – The Tricky Rule

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