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God of War Shows off Growing Relationship between Kratos and his Son

God of War got a new gameplay trailer. The trailer starts with Kratos’ son saying that he thinks he is cursed and that is why he isn’t like his father. He claims that he knows the truth as a flashback kicks in, showing hints at how Kratos found his way to the Viking world.

He is told that the Gods of this world don’t take kindly to outsiders. A massive combat sequence is then shown. Kratos fights off a variety of enemies, using his ax and fists to take them out. Larger fights are also shown against large apes and human enemies.

Kratos then begins to tell his son about what it will take to survive the journey ahead, telling him that evil awaits. However, his son shows off an optimistic side, saying that his mother told him that not everyone was bad.

The trailer closes with a look at the “World Serpent,” a large snake-like creature. Instead of preparing for battle, Kratos asks his son what it is saying. It turns out the serpent wants to help Kratos.

A release date of early 2018 was shown to close the trailer.

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