Happy Shadow of the Colossus remake release week! Say that five times fast. Did you do it? Congratulations! You’re spreading the greatness of Shadow of the Colossus, one of the best PlayStation games ever made! Ever! Tell your friends! Fumito! Fumito! Ueda! Ueda!
Japan Studio!!!!!!
This week, in addition to the usual agenda bullet points, we introduce a new segment: What’s Hot in Gaming! During the inaugural drop, Alex talks about Sprint Vector, a flashy upcoming VR game that seems to marry Mirror’s Edge and Wipeout, and Shadow of the Colossus, which Bluepoint Games has rebuilt — in impressive fashion — for the PlayStation 4.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, The Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus, Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War.
In a bit of big news, iHeartRadio streams episodes of Trophy Whores, which greatly expands the show’s footprint and reach. It’s a tremendous honor for the show to be part of iHeartRadio’s massive and respected community, and Proven Gamer have only the fans to thank for pushing the podcast to this point. The Trophy Whores work hard to put out a quality weekly show, but they owe so much love to their listeners, who keep the show strong and growing.
We appreciate your support (and your ears)!
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If you wish, you can always download the show here – Trophy Whores 335 – Shadow of the Red Dead Battlefront
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