March 31, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

PAX East 2022 Returns to Boston Next April After Two Year Hiatus
PAX Unplugged Returns in December

PAX East 2022, the East Coast’s most attended gaming event, makes its triumphant return as a live, in-person expo at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) from Thursday, April 21, 2022 to Sunday, April 24, 2022
PAX East will feature a massive expo hall floor, panels featuring industry luminaries, and a variety of competitive and casual gameplay areas. Four-day and single-day badges will go on sale in the coming weeks, with exhibitors and schedule to be announced in the leadup to the show.
Show organizers ReedPop and Penny Arcade canceled PAX East 2021, prioritizing the health and safety of the community, and hosted PAX Online East in its stead. After hosting a safe PAX West over Labor Day weekend in Seattle, PAX East will feature even more stringent health and safety requirements, including mandatory vaccination and face coverings for all in the BCEC, with proof of vaccination to be required for all PAX events in the foreseeable future.
The tabletop focused iteration PAX Unplugged, taking place Friday, December 10 to Sunday, December 12 in Philadelphia, PA at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, will also mandate vaccines and face coverings as part of its health and safety guidelines. The event will be kicked off by a Storytime keynote from tabletop gaming veteran Aabria Iyengar.
Iyengar is a regular guest on popular D&D show Critical Role, joining regulars Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray, Krystina Arielle, and more. She was the Dungeon Master on the beloved Exandria Unlimited miniseries, game master for Misfits and Magic and Into the Mother Lands, in addition to often appearing on livestream tabletop roleplaying game series as a dungeon master or player, like on Saving Throw and The Adventure Zone.
Four-day and single-day PAX East badge prices and availability will be announced soon. Three-day badges for PAX Unplugged 2021 are now on sale for $75, while individual Friday, Saturday, and Sunday badges will go for $35 each.
For badge purchasing, travel info, event schedules, FAQs, and more, check out the PAX Unplugged and PAX East websites, and follow PAX on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram.