Would you kill a love one… if they were a zombie of course? Very stupid...
Podcasts are sometimes hard to record, as is apparent in this weeks episode. Join the...
This week we welcome a new member, Ricky! We talk about the Witcher 3 some...
WT has another comment and we make note of it. We talk about regret and...
It may have taken two takes but we finally got a Blind Mango on the...
As the Vita hype becomes very real for your resident podcast host, we talk about...
This week we talk about Witcher 3, Witcher 3 and the Witcher 3. Oh and...
In this spoiler filled episode of 5 and 10 year old games, ALex, Donny, and...
You got the WT crew bringing it as usual. We talk about singers that really...
In this week’s episode, we talk all about E3 2015 and get the hype train...
This week we talk about Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, writing in video games, Witcher 3 and...
The WT crew is back with a full show and we brung a special someone...
We dont like who is on the cover of AMAZON! Come find out why as...
It’s a bit of a slow news week but we manage to talk about Witcher...
Talking Topics: Oculus Rift Coming to Consumers in 2016, EA Talks Upcoming Games, Tony Hawk’s...
In one of the most derailed episodes yet, Tricky tries to keep it all together!...
Alex is missing again, but the guys still bring you a fun filled epiosde. Join...
The WT crew talked about how amazing Spider-Man really is. Pokemon, Dora, Deigo and Barney...
On this weeks episode, Tricky joins us again as we talk about Broken Age, Double...
WT get political in this deleted clip. Mainly about voting and President Obama. Tell us...