This week, a longtime friend of the show provides insight into the state of game...
PlayStation 5
Join the Whores as they discus, among other things, Wreckfest, Shadow of the Colossus, Star...
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Hellblade 2, Godfall, Control, Ghosts...
Tricky is going to lose this challenge. Attain one hundred percent of Joe Danger trophies? ...
There are certainly better ways to announce a game. For instance, you could write the...
This week the Trophy Whores discuss rumors surrounding the price point of the — rumored...
Tricky has returned — and he’s already starting fights. On this episode of Trophy Whores,...
With rumors flying fast and furiously, you can hardly avoid the chatter surrounding the imminent...
For at least six months, we shouldn’t have to deal with rumors about the PlayStation...