February 10, 2025

Proven Gamer

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Final Fantasy XIV – Heavensward

Final Fantasy XIV gets its first expansion pack with “Heavensward”, slated to be released on June 23rd. Early access to the expansion will be available on June 19th for those who pre-order.
Final Fantasy 14 director Naoki Yoshida said it was a difficult decision delaying the expansion from its planned spring release, but the company wanted to take its time to polish the huge amount of content available for its gamers. Yoshida stated to expect even more updates and reveals related to the expansion as the release date nears.

Gamers can look forward to Square Enix releasing three different editions of Final Fantasy 14: Heavensward. A collector’s edition will come with a special dragon figurine and an art book while the disc boasts various videos and trailers. Digital in-game swag that’s exclusive to the collector’s edition includes a griffin flying mount, a helmet designed after FF IV’s Dark Knight Cecil, and a wind-up Kain minion.

The second edition is an all-in-one version that will be available for players who have not purchased the original version of Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn and who just can’t wait to dig in. Lastly, there will be a cheaper standard edition for those who just want the expansion set without any bonuses. Pre-orders for all these versions will begin on March 16.
Developer Square Enix also plans to release benchmark software next month. This will help players see how well their systems will be able to handle the expansion’s improved technology. They showed early footage of dozens of players flying through clouds while a massive beast attempted to eat them.

Square also revealed that Final Fantasy 14 will finally be making its way to Mac with the expansion pack’s launch.

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