We’re rocking a five-man show, so much like episode 269, we’ve got a full crew. What does that mean for you? We’re about to take you to the podcast equivalent of Jurassic Park. Every member of our gnarly gang is present and accounted for. Sometimes, you gotta end a sentence with a preposition. In truth, despite the rule of English grammar, ending a sentence with a preposition sounds closer to our natural speaking habits. And, at Proven Gamer Studios, we try to keep it causal. We don’t, however, approve of Hawaiian shirts or any shirt that features patterns of fruit or palm trees.
No Man’s Sky has arrived, and while Donny is rolling his eyes, Yield is clamoring like a kid on Christmas. We look forward to his deep and insightful thoughts on a future episode. Unfortunately, for Donny, No Man’s Sky is on the agenda this week, and since it’s huge game that has garnered massive amounts of attention, we simply can’t ignore it. Episode 270 marks week one of No Man’s Sky watch — much to Donny’s chagrin.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, No Man’s Sky, THQ, PlayStation Neo and PlayStation Vita. Despite the promise and potential of the PlayStation Vita, Sony stopped supporting it, and gamers responded by bashing and ridiculing Sony. As the current leader in the home console market, Sony seems poised to keep that position — as long as the company doesn’t take another stab at the handheld console market. Nintendo owns the handheld market, and the PlayStation 4 has done extraordinarily well. What’s the apt adage? Koalas don’t eat sushi after midnight. Polar bears are a shade of purple that the human eye can’t detect. Unicorns aren’t a myth, they’re just great at hide-and-seek.
Oh yeah! I got it! If it ain’t broke, don’t go and fuck it up.
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