I went there.
This week, on Trophy Whores, we delve into the uninspiring and unnecessary PlayStation Meeting 2016. Despite showing new hardware, Sony and its partners did little to excite us. Having said that, we’re pretty sure that everyone should be all in on Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man, which looks gorgeous on the PlayStation 4 Pro. Of course, if you own any version of the PlayStation 4, then you will, presumably, get a fantastic experience out of Insomniac’s spin at Spider-Man.
We aren’t surprised by the announcements of the PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 4 Slim, as Sony has a history of releasing sleeker and improved versions of its consoles mid-cycle; however, we agree that Sony is releasing these consoles too soon into the lifespan of the PS4. While $400 is a fair price point for the new consoles, the standard PlayStation 4 plays the same games, and those games look really good, so the PS4 Pro and PS4 Slim don’t seem necessary.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, PlayStation 4 Pro, PlayStation 4 Slim, Batman: Return to Arkham, and Bethesda.
Alex has a special shout-out. On September 16, at Gallery K on Barret Avenue in Louisville, his friend Avalon is holding an art gallery for the first part of the survivor modeling project, This is MY Body, which features sexual assault survivors. Through this event, these brave women hope to reclaim their bodies and raise sexual assault awareness by speaking out against a pervasive problem in our country. Admission is free. Magazine copies featuring the models and photographs will be sold at the show, and the profits will be donated to the Center for Women and Families. The gallery will be open from 5 pm to 10 pm. It will be a fantastic event, and if possible, you should go.
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