February 16, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 299 – Beauty and the PAX East

While Tricky and Troy are cruising the show floor at PAX East 2017, the triumphant trophy-touting trio of Mark, Alex and Yield discuss the biggest PlayStation news to emanate from Boston.  Although the original Penny Arcade Expo, PAX Prime, has spawned annual sister shows, and dropped its “Prime” moniker, seemingly lessening the impact of each convention, it’s always exciting to read the news that breaks at each show, as well as the games that appear.  If you are a gamer, and if you’re reading this, we assume that you are, then you’re never sorry to talk about a PAX.

In response to popular demand, Mark, otherwise known as Lucia, also known as the ionvein, hosts episode 299 and leads us through all of the hottest news in the PlayStation ecosystem.  Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero dawns remains a hot topic, as Aloy and her grand adventure continue to win the hearts and praise of the gaming community.  Horizon Zero Dawn is a magnificent game, and it, as well as Guerrilla Games, deserves all of the praise it has received.  You can’t celebrate the game without praising its makers, Guerrilla Games.

Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Friday the 13th: The Game and Diablo III.

In a bit of big, big news, Trophy Whores has been approved for iHeartRadio, which greatly expands the show’s footprint and reach. It’s a tremendous honor for the show to be part of iHeartRadio’s massive and respected community, and Proven Gamer have only the fans to thank for pushing the podcast to this point.  The Trophy Whores work hard to put out a quality weekly show, but they owe so much love to their listeners, who keep the show strong and growing.

We appreciate your support (and your ears)!

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If you wish, you can always download the show here – Trophy Whores 299 – Beauty and the PAX East

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