February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Victor Vran PAX East

The highly acclaimed PC Action RPG, Victor Vran, is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One. While being available for PC since 2014, I have been told that Victor Vran will not feel like a PC port because it has always had consoles in mind when it was created. This console version will have the core game as well as the Fractured Worlds and Motörhead expansions. The Motörhead does have voice work and the likeness of Lemmy before he passed away.


Victor Vran has a lot of action packed adventure filled with demon slaying and Motörhead music. There is plenty of fun to be had for any Action RPG fan. Victor Vran is expected to come to consoles sometime this spring.

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