February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Wolfenstein II The New Colossus Closes Bethesda Showcase

Wolfenstein II The New Colossus was the closing act of the Bethesda Showcase. The trailer started in live-action, with a large mechanical dog-like, named Liesel creature saving a cop from under a car. However, at the end, Liesel turns evil attacking the cops. However, a girl able to calm it down.

The trailer then transitioned, reuniting fans with BJ Blazkowicz. BJ narrates as the video moves to a Nazi-controlled United States. From BJ’s perspective, we see a Nazi soldier order a milkshake, before questioning BJ for his identification.

BJ is then shown trying to make contact with rebels, attempting to start a revolution. Along with BJ, two new characters are introduced as they welcome BJ and introduce him to the full team. Liesel is then revealed as an in-game mount, before the first look at gameplay is shown. A multitude of weapons, enemies, and environments was shown.

Wolfenstein II The New Colossus will launch this fall on October 27.

Stay tuned to Proven Gamer for future coverage of E3

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