During their E3 2017 showcase, Sony Interactive Entertainment seemed to have traded long-winded monologues for a nearly constant stream of game videos. Truth be told, Sony Interactive Entertainment President and CEO Shawn Layden didn’t have much to say during the showcase. People seem split in their opinions. Alex liked the press conference, while Mark and Yield were disappointed.
Aside from Monster Hunter and Shadow of the Colossus, Sony didn’t have many surprises for their viewers and fans; however, if you watched the showcase, then you saw a litany of great and exciting games. If you own a PlayStation 4 or PlayStation VR, then E3 2017 has given you reason to smile. If nothing else, it has been nice to see Supermassive Games, developer of the highly acclaimed game Until Dawn, so entwined with PlayStation’s immediate future.
You might want to buckle up. Over the course of the next couple hours, we’re going to cover everything from Sony’s E3 showcase, as well as the hour-long pre-show. Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Life is Strange, Days Gone, God of War, Inpatient and Spider-Man.
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