February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

The Quest For One Million Bottle Caps

Hey Everyone! I wanted to share something exciting with every video game fan out there. I am going to take on a new project thanks to the effort and generosity of TrickyMic. For the longest time, I debated setting up a YouTube profile, vine account, or twitch profile because I don’t know what to talk about. I firmly believe success begins with a concept, idea, or mindset. Since I didn’t have that idea, I felt it would be a disservice to you the viewer. I decided not to set up any videos online until I had a sense of direction.

Well, today I have an idea that I think you can enjoy. As many of you know Fallout 4 hit store shelves on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. I am going to surprise you all by saying I bought the game on Tuesday and I haven’t played it. I will repeat that last statement.

I have not played my copy of Fallout 4.

Some close friends of mine gave me the nickname, Pat Daddy Millionaire’s Club. I don’t fully comprehend the logic behind the nickname, mainly because I am not a millionaire, but I have accepted the nickname. With that said, I thought I would chronicle my gameplay in Fallout 4 and see if I can become a “millionaire” in the world of Fallout.

I have the goal of obtaining one million dollars in gaming currency, WITHOUT CHEATING! I feel like recording, commenting, and creating an interactive discussion while pursuing the goal becoming a millionaire in a post-apocalyptic world.

I do not know if I will be successful in my goal. I don’t think the game allows for you to go up to one million bottle caps (currency). I do know it will be fun to try and I welcome your support and feedback on my journey. I will be hosting broadcasts of my gameplay and I encourage you to go to www.twitch.tv/provengamer to watch my journey.

I welcome all questions, comments, game tips, advice, input, and answers if I have any questions I want to make this a fun interactive series of video and I welcome all who wish to participate. This is my very first recorded internet video, my very first interactive video, and my first time playing Fallout 4 so this is a very exciting time! I will start playing Fallout 4 on Thursday November 12, 2015 at 8pm EST.

If you wish to join me, I welcome you to observe and message me in Pat Daddy Millionaire’s Club video: The Pursuit for One Million Bottle Caps. See you in the Wasteland!

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