Tricky and Yield made the Trophy Whores proud, as they topped team Remember the Loot in a Rocket League grudge match. Way to go, fellas! We must protect this house!! The Trophy Whores won’t win any swimsuit competitions, but they can certainly throw down in Rocket League. Remember the Loot? More like Remember That Ass-Whuppin’.
This week, Tricky and Yield gloat a bit, and Donny and Alex share in their glory. If Alex had played, then the battle would have been more one-sided. Have you seen a polar bear fight a ferret? It isn’t pretty.
Join our Rocket League champions, as we discuss, among other things, Mad Max, He-Man, Remote Play, World of Tanks, Rock Band 4 and PlayStation Experience. Yield wants a Syphon Filter reboot, Bend Studio. Please let him have it. We’re nearing the holidays, and an official announcement would be the perfect gift!
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