February 22, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Fallout Shelter Update Brings Pets & More

Today Bethesda unleashed a new Fallout Shelter update that brings in few new cool features. Along with better inventory management and objectives, there was couple of new additions to your Vault such as pets and the ability to remove lazy good for nothing vault dwellers.

You’re Vaultizens (…yeah, okay) will also have some new dialog options such as pickup lines and conversations. Thus making a new experiences as you play manage your Vault. Then you have the new Sell-All option that will allow you to remove any unwanted items and clear your inventory space. You can read the patch notes below.

  • Vault-Tec research has shown that four-legged companions can have a profound impact on Vault happiness and productivity. Introducing Pets!
  • Vault-Tec has received reports of some Dwellers not pulling their weight. Overseers are now authorized to permanently evict these lazy layabouts! Welcome to the Wasteland, slackers…
  • Bored with the same pickup lines and conversations? Dwellers have finally learned some new ways to impress other dwellers and the opposite sex.
  • Excessive tapping causing frustration when trying to clear out excess inventory? Overseers will love the new sell-all options.
  • Dweller management improvements and new objectives should help experienced Overseers keep things running smoothly.
  • Even more Vault-Tec certified improvements and optimizations. Because you can never have enough improvements or optimizations.

Patch notes found on the Official Bethesda Forums.

For all of your Fallout needs, be sure to check out Proven Gamer



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