It’s an exciting time to be a PlayStation 4 owner. Ratchet, Clank and Nathan Drake are back in the spotlight, which means only good things for the PlayStation family. Galactic heroes Ratchet and Clank are beloved Insomniac Games’ characters, and they never seem to wear out their welcome. Drake (and Elena and Sully), too, ranks highly among Sony’s most endearing and enduring characters. In less than a month, Sony Computer Entertainment and Naughty Dog will release Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End — possibly the end of Drake’s adventures. The Trophy Whores — and fans — can’t wait to get their hands on it.
The Trophy Whores dedicate much time to PlayStation All-Stars Drake, Ratchet and Clank, but the Four Whoresmen always have plenty to talk about — even if it isn’t important. Donny could entertain in a discussion about napkins and Valencia oranges, and when Alex goes on a rant about Assassin’s Creed or World Wrestling Entertainment, it’s equal parts nonsense and brilliance.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and PlayStation NEO. With the release of a “PlayStation 4.5,” Sony risks upsetting players who invested early in the PlayStation 4. As Tricky says, Sony seems to take one step forward and 10 steps back. We can only hope that Sony doesn’t alienate PS4 early adopters, as buying another $400 console so soon would be too much for a lot of gamers. Unlike Ratchet and Clank, most of us aren’t rolling around in gold bolts.
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