July 26, 2024

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Cooperative Dungeon Brawler “Super Dungeon Bros” Launching Beta Before Official Release

Wired Productions announced today that the rock-themed, co-op dungeon brawler Super Dungeon Bros will support an extended Closed Beta starting on October 14th and Open Beta for the weekend of October 21st on Steam. The back-to-back Betas will serve as an opportunity for fans to get early hands-on with Axl, Lars, Freddie and Ozzie in Super Dungeon Bros ahead of its worldwide launch on November 1st, 2016 for Xbox One, PlayStation4, PC and Steam.

Gamers with access to a Steam account are encouraged to sign up for the Closed Beta, which begins on October 14th at 4.00PM BST and runs through October 20th. During this period, fans will have a chance to try out the game’s single-player and local multiplayer modes with four players. To sign up for the Beta and for more details, please visit www.superdungeonbros.com .

Gamers will also have the opportunity to get hands-on time with Super Dungeon Bros in a fully online Open Beta offering four player co-op matchmaking with other Beta participants. Interested gamers can download the game for Steam during its Open Beta period from October 21st until October 24th at 8.00AM BST when the Beta will close: http://store.steampowered.com/app/306000/.

View the official gameplay teaser trailer below!

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