The Trophy Whores are barreling toward episode 300 like an 18-wheeler on an icy mountain road. They can’t be stopped. They won’t be stopped! To 300 — and beyond!
As we move through winter, the news is picking up. There’s much to talk about this week, and the Trophy Whores rip through headlines like a buzzsaw through a row of pinatas. Similes never go out of style. You know what else never goes out of style? Crash Bandicoot. The furry orange tornado returns to PlayStation on June 30 in Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Double Dragon IV, Rocket League, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Street Fighter V, and South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
In a bit of big, big news, Trophy Whores has been approved for iHeartRadio, which greatly expands the show’s footprint and reach. It’s a tremendous honor for the show to be part of iHeartRadio’s massive and respected community, and Proven Gamer have only the fans to thank for pushing the podcast to this point. The Trophy Whores work hard to put out a quality weekly show, but they owe so much love to their listeners, who keep the show strong and growing.
We appreciate your support (and your ears)!
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You can also email us at TrophyWhores.
If you wish, you can always download the show here – Trophy Whores 296 – Crash Through the News
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