The guys are in Los Santos and Tricky is missing. Join Alex, Yield, and Donny...
The pimp returns to smack the other whores with knowledge. Listen as Tricky, Alex, Donny,...
The San Andreas edition of Grand Theft Auto features a total of thirteen casinos, so...
This is a great show TrickyMic isn’t here what more could you ask for… or...
Today, September 4th, 2013, Microsoft announced the release date for the Xbox One to be...
Someone wants to know where their crack box is! Join TrickyMic, Donny, Yield, and Alex...
When the fortress falls, heroes rise. Spiderweb Software has released the trailer for their upcoming...
The number 3 Proven Gamer Chevy Camaro is one of thirty-two cars racing in this...
Gamescom has come and gone. Join TrickyMic and Alex as they discuss the Playstation side...
The whores come early this week. Join TrickyMic, Donny, and Yield as they welcome guest...
As announced on Episode 122 of Trophy Whores, Proven Gamer is giving away a new...
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition is quite the game. It looked interesting on...
This show is controversial but not really. Join TrickyMic, Donny, and Yield as they welcome...
We all have them. Maybe it was a childhood game or one that you are...
This episode is about video game talk of course. Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear Rub…Rising &...
One of the hosts goes on vacation but still shows up to record the show....
No more Recycled Games While Google play and iTunes are constantly uploaded with new games,...
We have celebrated the upcoming release of Mario Kart U by picking some real life...
Come listen to this Mind Blowing episode where TrickyMic, Donny, and Yield discuss how to...
A civil war has been festering for years now and at the end of 2013...