March 14, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

New York Snark Exchange Stream #6: Dishonored PREVIEW!

This week, the NEW YORK SNARK EXCHANGE returns for their sixth stream on the eve before MAGFEST. Snark Brokers can tune in at 9:30 EST on PROVEN GAMER’S TWITCH channel to see Ray play DISHONORED, the game critics say “a title that Chris wasn’t particularly good at.” While we witness first persons MURDER STEALTH DEATH KILLS, the gang discusses MAGplots, Assassin’s Creed skipping 2016, and Daigo vs Lupe’s Twitch fight being fixed or not. It’s 90 minutes for plague rats and profanity, as only the New York Snark Exchange can deliver!


The Stream starts at 9:30 EST. Watch it here, or on Proven Gamer’s twitch channel

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