March 4, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Trophy Whores 248 – Trophy War Tally

The Great Trophy War  rages on!  The Trophy Whores and the Remember the Loot crew are locked in a bitter and eternal struggle — that will end on April 1.  It’s getting serious. Yield is crushing the Platinum count, and, Tricky, for fuel and luck, has an entire case of Thin Mints at his disposal.  I hope that he puts them in the freezer.

Despite the intense PlayStation Network battle for trophies and pride, the video game news industry keeps ticking.  The Trophy Whores take a break from their smack-talking ways to discuss the latest hoopla from around the Internet (and beyond!).

Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Disney Infinity 3.0, Call of Duty, and No Man’s Sky.  Tricky has promised to get Alex to return to Twitter, but much like a stubborn ostrich with its head buried in the ground, Alex has refused to acquiesce.  If you are a fan of social media, then you will likely be enthralled by the discussion; however, if you don’t use social media, then you will likely be as horrified as when any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan watches Turtles III, in which our favorite shell-backed heroes run with samurais in feudal Japan.  It was a terrible idea.

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