This week, Tricky does his best to spit on the Engilsh language. Tricky lectures people on the correct pronunciation of “mozzarella,” but as soon as he tries to say, “octagonal,” he stumbles through the word like a drunk rampaging through a Waffle House at two in the morning.
Episode 286, which brings us another week closer to our stupendous 300th show, marks the first time that the five illustrious and talented Trophy Whores record simultaneously. Given our busy lifestyles, it’s quite an achievement — especially with a WWE special presentation, Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2016, on tap for the evening. The gang is all here, and we’re ready to dish on the latest news from the PlayStation Experience.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, LEGO Worlds, The Last of Us 2, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Rocket League, Yakuza 6, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series.
Telltale Games has shown that they are capable of doing excellent work with popular licensed comic and film properties, we expect nothing less from their version of Guardians of the Galaxy. Though largely unknown until a few years ago, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy grabbed mainstream attention when James Gunn’s movie adaptation lit the silver screen on fire and earned Marvel Studios a spaceship full of cash. With endearing oddball characters who look out for the safety of the universe, it’s hard not to root for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
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