We don’t dislike the New York Rangers; however, Tricky talks a lot of trash, so when his team takes a nosedive in the playoffs, you know that he will catch hell. Guest host Stephen, also a Rangers fan, weathers the storm as best he can, but, like being tossed around in an F5 tornado, it’s a rough ride — much like the Rangers second-round series against the Ottawa Senators.
Join the Trophy Whores as they discuss, among other things, Abzu, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
Unsurprisingly, Warner Bros. Interactive and and Traveler’s Tales have announced Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, a follow-up to, in Alex’s opinion, the best Lego video game. After spending ages developing Lego Star Wars games, Traveler’s Tales seems intent to release 20,000 games starring Marvel and DC Comics characters. So, 20,000 is probably an exaggerated number; however, it’s difficult to argue that Traveler’s Tales isn’t making the most of their licensing deals.
In a bit of big news, iHeartRadio streams episodes of Trophy Whores, which greatly expands the show’s footprint and reach. It’s a tremendous honor for the show to be part of iHeartRadio’s massive and respected community, and Proven Gamer have only the fans to thank for pushing the podcast to this point. The Trophy Whores work hard to put out a quality weekly show, but they owe so much love to their listeners, who keep the show strong and growing.
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