March 28, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

Resident Evil 7 Announced For Nintendo Switch…Sorta

It appears that Resident Evil 7 is headed to the Nintendo Switch…but not quite in the way you’d expect.

As of now, Resident Evil 7: Cloud Version has been listed Japanese eShop, with no confirmation on the title coming to other territories.  As the name implies, the game runs entirely through the cloud and cannot be played offline…at all. So if you don’t have a stable internet connection – it appears that you are SOL. But wait – it gets better! The game can be played for 15 minutes for free but after that, you’ll need to purchase a 2,000 yen ticket which lasts 180 days. I mean, one can definitely get through the game in six months, but this move just baffles me. If Capcom wanted to bring RE7 to the Switch, then why not just do it? A $20 online-only rental is just such a bizarre move, but to each their own.

In any case, feel free to check out the trailer below and comment on what you feel about this surprising, yet odd piece of news.