This February PlayStation is going galactic with it’s two free titles coming to the PlayStation...
Loot! Yes that’s right it is Proven Gamer’s podcast champions of the world! The Loot...
FACT: LEAGUE OF LEGENDS is currently one of the most popular and most watched games...
Pocket Mortys, from Adult Swim, has released early on both IOS and Android systems for...
Butterscotch Shenanigans finally released it’s hotly anticipated title Crashlands on the 21st of January. Best...
KWANN is one of those games at first read through most people would probably pass...
Ah, video games. We all love to play them on weekly or daily basis (based...
No witty summary this week due to Alex and Yield not making the show, but...
Capcom has revealed a new trailer for Resident Evil Umbrella Corps and it’s everything we...
For all you Mighty No. 9 fans you will have to wait a little bit...
It was revealed earlier today by Capcom in a trailer that Street Fighter V will...
WT has somewhat better sound quality and might have our new female co-host. You heard...
Loot! The Loot crew is back with another great show. Too bad Tbyrd and Resident...
In a world where the line is often blurred between true survival horror and action...
The Plants vs Zombies: GW2 Beta went live this weekend, and Tricky and myself had...
This week Jeromy “Doc” Adams, founder of Sarcastic Gamer and, more importantly, Extra Life, joins...
Dark Souls 3 is the latest installment in the Dark Souls series by Bandai Namco...
WT loves TV and WE… we are talking about TV series with the best conclusion...
No Resident Darrell this week, but that doesn’t stop Frosty from toasting in his honor...
The debut stream of ProvenGamer’s newest show: The New York Snark Exchange! Let Tom Ray...