February 9, 2025

Proven Gamer

Home Of The Trophy Whores Podcast

New York Snark Exchange #7: BORDERLANDS 2


Doubleshot Bandit

FINALLY, the NEW YORK SNARK EXCHANGE has come back to PROVEN GAMER after a brief, MAGFEST related break. And as fate would have it, this week’s stream falls on the 73rd annual ASHLY BURCH DAY, which means we’re streaming some BORDERLANDS 2! Is the 73rd Ashly Burch Day something I made up as an excuse to stream Borderlands? SHUT UP, LOOK ITS TINY TINA, YOU LOVE HER! Join us this week for Dank Memes, the PROVEN GAMER debut of TOILET GUNS, and Chris MAGsplaining how REKTed he got during MAGfest. The Stream starts at 9:30 EST. Watch it here, or on Proven Gamer’s twitch channel

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