Tricky, who has been absent from the show for three weeks, makes his return to...
Ever wonder what it what it was like to be Sandra Bullock and be virtually...
In a field of bad comic book licensing, fans were happy to hear Marvel’s declaration...
Fun fact, Before there was Ms. Neka there was Kev. We bring the funny for...
Join Frosty, Bbuttonguy, Tbyrd, and special guest Brian Patterson from Fightstickguy for a special Pokémon edition....
Reviewed on PS4 Kerbal Space Program is a rocket crafting, space exploration simulator with multitude of options...
If you like caped crusaders and tomb-raiding badasses, then we have good news: Tricky isn’t...
WT has another first. Donny gets pulled over by the police. Not the first time...
This week, the Loot Crew discusses the latest trend sweeping the nation, some of their...
When Sony put up Gone Home for Playstation Plus I finally thought I would give...
Last week, Sean Murray, lead developer of No Man’s Sky and co founder of the...
Nintendo announced earlier this morning on Twitter that they will be realeasing a new NES Console named the Mini...
If you haven’t been confined under a rock this past week, you might’ve taken a...
It’s the middle of the summer, and the news has dried up like a salted...
Square Enix has formed a small development team of 10 dedicated and 20 freelance staff ...
Having missed the mark on it’s sales goal of 2 million copies at the end of the...
It’s another first on Whatever Talk: Donny gets kinda choked up emotionally. We don’t have...
Loot! Welcome to another episode of Remember the Loot. No video this week along with...
Alex runs the show this week, so you know that he’s gonna wreak Havok —...
You want to know what type of person would take a cat? Well, Whatever Talk...