On this episode join Kalai, Kory, Joe, and Tricky as they discuss the craziness that...
Bandai Namco has announced the release date and season pass details for their upcoming 3v3...
For those craving a JRPG, California-based Gaijinworks have announced a firm release date for their...
Steve and Andy are reunited and it feels so good. But they are not the...
World War games are making quite a comeback lately, with the release of games like...
For the first time in four years, Gran Turismo, PlayStation’s flagship racing simulator, has returned...
While Kalai is away at Comic Con the boys get to run the show. Ut...
Niantic has announced that they will be doing a special, Halloween, ghostly themed event for...
EA has released a new trailer for the single-player campaign in Star Wars Battlefront 2....
It’s our TLC Preview pod, and we try our best to climb that ladder and...
Nintendo has released the version 4.0.0 system update for the Switch. The update comes with...
Everyone has always wanted to be Superman, but let’s face it, the Man Of Steel...
It’s been a long while since we last saw a brand new, proper Mario...
Rogue Trooper Redux releases 101 Trailer, Now Available On PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam
Since it was announced this past winter, Rogue Trooper Redux, from English developer Rebellion, has...
In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Sony has announced that Hori will be releasing...
Cutthroat Gunboat is a fun multiplayer game that I had the opportunity to try out...
This week, with Stephen filming the next episode of “Stephen, World’s Best Dad,” Alex and...
In a post on their website, EA has announced that Visceral Games, the creators of...
Bethesda has announced that id Software’s first-person shooter Doom will launch for the Nintendo Switch...
October is a very busy month for Andy and Steve, so we have curated a...