WT has made it to a milestone, 50 episodes! Diversity in the movies, there may...
LOOT! There is a lot of news this week, so sit back and relax as...
The dark comedic kart racer Coffin Dodgers comes to PS4 May 3rd and Xbox One...
Today Nintendo has announced that their new console still codenamed the “NX” will be delayed...
*Update* While the game was not confirmed at E3, it was confirmed at PSX 2016....
Tricky and the Trophy Whores, which sounds like a fantastic name for a hip-hop group,...
We took off from the streaming game due to PAX East. Now we’re back from...
Housemarque released the long awaited follow up to top down twin stick shooter Dead Nation on...
Loot! This week’s episode starts off wild and only gets wilder. The loot guys go...
Today, Friday April 21st is the first day at PAXEAST 2016 in Boston, Ma. The...
During a panel today at PAX East Randy Pitchford, Gearbox Software President, confirmed that a...
The latest trailer for Gears of War 4 titled “Tomorrow” released earlier this month during...
Love it or hate it’s episodic distribution, Hitman’s second episode has a new trailer out showcasing...
Ratchet and Clank are back! Yes, the beloved galactic heroes have returned to the PlayStation!...
Bullet time infused third person action thriller Max Payne is the next PS2 game to come...
Capcom has revealed today that Guile will be available for free to all players...
DARK SOULS™ III, one of the most anticipated games of 2016, has released to rave...
The Antarctic Base, set within the Umbrella research facility, was never repaired after the...
This week’s episode is all about how to Git Gud! Dark Souls 3 is out...
Finally, Homer has returned to Trophy Whores! Thanks, Rock; I will take it from here....