Pocket Mortys, from Adult Swim, has released early on both IOS and Android systems for...
In a world where the line is often blurred between true survival horror and action...
When Square Enix announced Just Cause 3 would release in 2015, I simply said, “Take...
Over the past decade, Wrestling games and their fans have been stuck. Given that developers...
Telltale Games has had quite the busy year so far—they finished up their newest episodic...
The Assassin’s Creed series has had both moments of glory and tremendous failures over the...
There is a certain joy in playing point and click adventure games because they don’t...
In the final episode of Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale Games has managed to create...
Metal Gear is an intense series, which has set and defied video game genres in...
The Penultimate episode to the series is closing things nicely. The Tales from the Borderlands...
With more and more Indy games showing up these past two gaming generations, it takes...
Zenzizenzic is definitely a game that is as hard to play as it is to...
Back in 2010, we were able to play and experience the final chapter of Kratos’...
2015 is a big year for gamers. So many games filled with potential, coming both...
There have been many games that can accurately call themselves “Duck Shooters”. The Duck Game...
Telltale regains the footing in the Seven Kingdoms. Sons of Winter, the fourth episode in...
Having not played the predecessor of Avernum 2 Crystal Souls, I went into this game...
The game takes place in various locations Ironrath, Yunkai, Kings Landing and The Wall. If...
This is a game that starts with complete frustration and eventually turns into useless skills...
The Dragon Age series is one that has a lot of mixed reviews from many...