Frontier has released a new trailer for their upcoming dinosaur park building game, Jurassic World...
Tricky fills in for Andy as Andy deals with being patient zero for the butt...
On an unseasonably warm night in the fall, I walked through the front doors of...
Celebrating the release of Gundam Versus here in the United States, Namco Bandai...
Futuristic racing games aren’t anything new, but damn are they a lot of fun!... After three years in development, One-man developer CharliesGames have finally announced a released...
I consider myself a relatively hardcore rogue-like fan. I follow the genre closely and have...
Bandai Namco has announced that the Tekken World Tour Finals tournament will be held outside...
Double Fine Productions has released footage showing the first playable gameplay for Pyschonauts 2. The game, which...
It may have taken some time, but Street Fighter V is finally getting an Arcade...
We’re back for the 202 and we’re here to preview this Sunday’s Hell in a...
A new trailer showing gameplay for the DLC characters Black Panther and Sigma was released...
Microsoft has announced two Xbox One S bundles that will come with digital copies of...
Blizzard has announced via Twitter that Overwatch will be bringing back the seasonal event Halloween...
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Mortal Kombat, Warner Bros. has announced that Raiden...
In a post to the PlayStation Blog, Sony and Polyphony Digital have announced GT Sport, the...
Sony has announced via the PlayStation Blog that the new system software, 5.00 is now...
President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment Andrew House has announced that he will be stepping...
More than six years ago, Proven Gamer was born with a bunch of hardworking dedicated...
In a post to the PlayStation VR FAQ, via the PlayStation Blog, Sony has announced...