Insomniac Games, who are no stranger to fantastic action games, are developing a new Spider-Man...
The Last Guardian, that PlayStation game that you have (probably) thought has been destined for...
Today, Ubisoft ® announced that Watch Dogs ® 2, the newest installment in the blockbuster...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Injustice 2, the super-powered sequel to...
While Yield is fending off polar bears and killer whales in Alaska, the Trophy Whores...
The newest installment for the Skylanders franchise is set to release October 16th of this...
Nate is not a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan. The former...
With the help of publisher Deep Silver Killing Floor 2 with find its way to...
Resident Evil 5 will be releasing digitally on PS4 and Xbox One June 28th with...
Pre-orders are now available for Umbrella Corps, Capcom’s latest fast paced action shooter spin off...
Sony has released its projections of console sales through March 31st of 2017 to be...
According to Official Playstation Blog Uncharted 4 has sold an impressive 2.7 million units in...
Today Warner Bros officially announced Batman: Return to Arkham and it will release on PS4...
In a recent stream of tweets by a Japanese annalist, it appears that Resident Evil...
Resident Darrell joins the show (this week) and, before providing the best impersonations of Donny...
Disney has cancelled it’s toys to life video game series today during it’s earnings report....
Reviewed for the Playstation 4: Coffin Dodgers is a goofy kart racer that takes place...
The Remember the Loot crew has decided to take on the Dark Souls 3 push...
Rumors are running rampant on the internet this week and rightfully so. With it being...
Bethesda has announced that Dishonored 2 will officially have a release date of November 11,...